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class gammapy.background.PhaseBackgroundEstimator(on_region, on_phase, off_phase, observations)[source]

Bases: object

Background estimation with on and off phases.

This class is responsible for creating a BackgroundEstimate by counting events in the on-phase-zone and off-phase-zone in an ON-region, given an observation, an on_region, an on-phase-zone, an off-phase-zone.

For a usage example see future notebook.

TODO: The phase interval has to be between 0 and 1. Cases like [-0.1, 0.1], for example, are still not supported.

on_region : CircleSkyRegion

Target region in the sky

observations : Observations

Observations to process

on_phase : tuple or list of tuples

on-phase defined by the two edges of each interval (edges are excluded)

off_phase : tuple or list of tuples

off-phase defined by the two edges of each interval (edges are excluded)

Methods Summary

filter_events(events, tuple_phase_zone) Select events depending on their phases.
process(self, obs) Estimate background for one observation.
run(self) Run all steps.

Methods Documentation

static filter_events(events, tuple_phase_zone)[source]

Select events depending on their phases.

process(self, obs)[source]

Estimate background for one observation.


Run all steps.