Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import logging
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from import fits
from astropy.nddata.utils import NoOverlapError
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from regions import CircleSkyRegion
from gammapy.cube.edisp_map import EDispMap
from gammapy.cube.psf_kernel import PSFKernel
from gammapy.cube.psf_map import PSFMap
from import GTI
from gammapy.irf import EffectiveAreaTable, EnergyDispersion, apply_containment_fraction
from gammapy.maps import Map, MapAxis
from gammapy.modeling import Dataset, Parameters
from gammapy.modeling.models import BackgroundModel, SkyModel, SkyModels
from gammapy.spectrum import SpectrumDataset
from gammapy.stats import cash, cash_sum_cython, cstat, cstat_sum_cython
from gammapy.utils.random import get_random_state
from gammapy.utils.scripts import make_path

__all__ = ["MapEvaluator", "MapDataset"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CUTOUT_MARGIN = 0.1 * u.deg
RAD_MAX = 0.66
RAD_AXIS_DEFAULT = MapAxis.from_bounds(
    0, RAD_MAX, nbin=66, node_type="edges", name="theta", unit="deg"
MIGRA_AXIS_DEFAULT = MapAxis.from_bounds(
    0.2, 5, nbin=48, node_type="edges", name="migra"
# TODO: Choose optimal binnings depending on IRFs

[docs]class MapDataset(Dataset): """Perform sky model likelihood fit on maps. Parameters ---------- model : `~gammapy.modeling.models.SkyModel` or `~gammapy.modeling.models.SkyModels` Source sky models. counts : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` Counts cube exposure : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` Exposure cube mask_fit : `~numpy.ndarray` Mask to apply to the likelihood for fitting. psf : `~gammapy.cube.PSFKernel` PSF kernel edisp : `~gammapy.irf.EnergyDispersion` Energy dispersion background_model : `~gammapy.modeling.models.BackgroundModel` Background model to use for the fit. likelihood : {"cash", "cstat"} Likelihood function to use for the fit. evaluation_mode : {"local", "global"} Model evaluation mode. The "local" mode evaluates the model components on smaller grids to save computation time. This mode is recommended for local optimization algorithms. The "global" evaluation mode evaluates the model components on the full map. This mode is recommended for global optimization algorithms. mask_safe : `~numpy.ndarray` Mask defining the safe data range. gti : '' GTI of the observation or union of GTI if it is a stacked observation """ def __init__( self, model=None, counts=None, exposure=None, mask_fit=None, psf=None, edisp=None, background_model=None, name="", likelihood="cash", evaluation_mode="local", mask_safe=None, gti=None, ): if mask_fit is not None and mask_fit.dtype != np.dtype("bool"): raise ValueError("mask data must have dtype bool") self.evaluation_mode = evaluation_mode self.likelihood_type = likelihood self.counts = counts self.exposure = exposure self.mask_fit = mask_fit self.psf = psf self.edisp = edisp self.background_model = background_model self.model = model = name self.mask_safe = mask_safe self.gti = gti if likelihood == "cash": self._stat = cash self._stat_sum = cash_sum_cython elif likelihood == "cstat": self._stat = cstat self._stat_sum = cstat_sum_cython else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid likelihood: {likelihood!r}") def __str__(self): str_ = f"{self.__class__.__name__}\n" str_ += "\n" str_ += "\t{:32}: {} \n\n".format("Name", counts = np.nan if self.counts is not None: counts = np.sum( str_ += "\t{:32}: {:.0f} \n".format("Total counts", counts) npred = np.nan if self.model is not None or self.background_model is not None: npred = np.sum(self.npred().data) str_ += "\t{:32}: {:.2f}\n".format("Total predicted counts", npred) background = np.nan if self.background_model is not None: background = np.sum(self.background_model.evaluate().data) str_ += "\t{:32}: {:.2f}\n\n".format("Total background counts", background) exposure_min, exposure_max, exposure_unit = np.nan, np.nan, "" if self.exposure is not None: exposure_min = np.min([ > 0]) exposure_max = np.max( exposure_unit = self.exposure.unit str_ += "\t{:32}: {:.2e} {}\n".format( "Exposure min", exposure_min, exposure_unit ) str_ += "\t{:32}: {:.2e} {}\n\n".format( "Exposure max", exposure_max, exposure_unit ) # data section n_bins = 0 if self.counts is not None: n_bins = str_ += "\t{:32}: {} \n".format("Number of total bins", n_bins) n_fit_bins = 0 if self.mask is not None: n_fit_bins = np.sum(self.mask) str_ += "\t{:32}: {} \n\n".format("Number of fit bins", n_fit_bins) # likelihood section str_ += "\t{:32}: {}\n".format("Fit statistic type", self.likelihood_type) stat = np.nan if self.model is not None or self.background_model is not None: stat = self.likelihood() str_ += "\t{:32}: {:.2f}\n\n".format("Fit statistic value (-2 log(L))", stat) # model section n_models = 0 if self.model is not None: n_models = len(self.model.skymodels) str_ += "\t{:32}: {} \n".format("Number of models", n_models) str_ += "\t{:32}: {}\n".format( "Number of parameters", len(self.parameters.parameters) ) str_ += "\t{:32}: {}\n\n".format( "Number of free parameters", len(self.parameters.free_parameters) ) components = [] if self.model is not None: components += self.model.skymodels if self.background_model is not None: components += [self.background_model] for idx, model in enumerate(components): str_ += f"\tComponent {idx}: \n" str_ += "\t\t{:28}: {}\n".format("Name", str_ += "\t\t{:28}: {}\n".format("Type", model.__class__.__name__) if isinstance(model, SkyModel): str_ += "\t\t{:28}: {}\n".format( "Spatial model type", model.spatial_model.__class__.__name__ ) str_ += "\t\t{:28}: {}\n".format( "Spectral model type", model.spectral_model.__class__.__name__ ) str_ += "\t\tParameters:\n" info = str(model.parameters) lines = info.split("\n") str_ += "\t\t" + "\n\t\t".join(lines[2:-1]) str_ += "\n\n" return str_.expandtabs(tabsize=4) @property def model(self): """Sky model to fit (`~gammapy.cube.SkyModel` or `~gammapy.cube.SkyModels`)""" return self._model @model.setter def model(self, model): if isinstance(model, SkyModel): model = SkyModels([model]) self._model = model if model is not None: evaluators = [] for component in model.skymodels: evaluator = MapEvaluator( component, evaluation_mode=self.evaluation_mode ) evaluator.update(self.exposure, self.psf, self.edisp, self._geom) evaluators.append(evaluator) self._evaluators = evaluators @property def parameters(self): """List of parameters (`~gammapy.modeling.Parameters`)""" parameters = [] if self.model: parameters += self.model.parameters.parameters if self.background_model: parameters += self.background_model.parameters.parameters return Parameters(parameters) @property def _geom(self): if self.counts is not None: return self.counts.geom elif self.background_model is not None: return else: return self.exposure.geom @property def _energy_axis(self): return self._geom.get_axis_by_name("energy") @property def data_shape(self): """Shape of the counts data (tuple)""" return
[docs] def npred(self): """Predicted source and background counts (`~gammapy.maps.Map`).""" npred_total = Map.from_geom(self._geom, dtype=float) if self.background_model: npred_total += self.background_model.evaluate() if self.model: for evaluator in self._evaluators: # if the model component drifts out of its support the evaluator has # has to be updated if evaluator.needs_update: evaluator.update(self.exposure, self.psf, self.edisp, self._geom) npred = evaluator.compute_npred() # avoid slow fancy indexing, when the shape is equivalent if == npred_total += else:[evaluator.coords_idx] += return npred_total
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, geom, geom_irf=None, migra_axis=None, rad_axis=None, reference_time="2000-01-01", name="", ): """Creates a MapDataset object with zero filled maps Parameters ---------- geom: `~gammapy.maps.WcsGeom` Reference target geometry in reco energy, used for counts and background maps geom_irf: `~gammapy.maps.WcsGeom` Reference image geometry in true energy, used for IRF maps. migra_axis: `~gammapy.maps.MapAxis` Migration axis for the energy dispersion map rad_axis: `~gammapy.maps.MapAxis` Rad axis for the psf map name : str Name of the dataset. """ geom_irf = geom_irf or geom.to_binsz(BINSZ_IRF) migra_axis = migra_axis or MIGRA_AXIS_DEFAULT rad_axis = rad_axis or RAD_AXIS_DEFAULT counts = Map.from_geom(geom, unit="") background = Map.from_geom(geom, unit="") background_model = BackgroundModel(background) energy_axis = geom_irf.get_axis_by_name("ENERGY") exposure_geom = geom.to_image().to_cube([energy_axis]) exposure = Map.from_geom(exposure_geom, unit="m2 s") exposure_irf = Map.from_geom(geom_irf, unit="m2 s") mask_safe = np.zeros(geom.data_shape, dtype=bool) gti = GTI.create([] * u.s, [] * u.s, reference_time=reference_time) geom_migra = geom_irf.to_image().to_cube([migra_axis, energy_axis]) edisp_map = Map.from_geom(geom_migra, unit="") loc = migra_axis.edges.searchsorted(1.0)[:, loc, :, :] = 1.0 edisp = EDispMap(edisp_map, exposure_irf) geom_rad = geom_irf.to_image().to_cube([rad_axis, energy_axis]) psf_map = Map.from_geom(geom_rad, unit="sr-1") psf = PSFMap(psf_map, exposure_irf) return cls( counts=counts, exposure=exposure, psf=psf, edisp=edisp, background_model=background_model, gti=gti, mask_safe=mask_safe, name=name, )
[docs] def stack(self, other): """Stack another dataset in place. Parameters ---------- other: `~gammapy.cube.MapDataset` Map dataset to be stacked with this one. """ if self.counts and other.counts:[~self.mask_safe] = 0 self.counts.coadd(other.counts, weights=other.mask_safe) if self.exposure and other.exposure: self.exposure.coadd(other.exposure) if self.background_model and other.background_model: bkg = self.background_model.evaluate()[~self.mask_safe] = 0 other_bkg = other.background_model.evaluate()[~other.mask_safe] = 0 bkg.coadd(other_bkg) self.background_model = BackgroundModel(bkg) if self.mask_safe is not None and other.mask_safe is not None: mask_safe = Map.from_geom(self.counts.geom, data=self.mask_safe) mask_safe_other = Map.from_geom(other.counts.geom, data=other.mask_safe) mask_safe.coadd(mask_safe_other) self.mask_safe = if self.psf and other.psf: if isinstance(self.psf, PSFMap) and isinstance(other.psf, PSFMap): self.psf.stack(other.psf) else: raise ValueError("Stacking of PSF kernels not supported") if self.edisp and other.edisp: if isinstance(self.edisp, EDispMap) and isinstance(other.edisp, EDispMap): self.edisp.stack(other.edisp) else: raise ValueError("Stacking of edisp kernels not supported") if self.gti and other.gti: self.gti = self.gti.stack(other.gti).union()
[docs] def likelihood_per_bin(self): """Likelihood per bin given the current model parameters""" return self._stat(, mu_on=self.npred().data)
[docs] def residuals(self, method="diff"): """Compute residuals map. Parameters ---------- method: {"diff", "diff/model", "diff/sqrt(model)"} Method used to compute the residuals. Available options are: - `diff` (default): data - model - `diff/model`: (data - model) / model - `diff/sqrt(model)`: (data - model) / sqrt(model) Returns ------- residuals : `gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` Residual map. """ return self._compute_residuals(self.counts, self.npred(), method=method)
[docs] def plot_residuals( self, method="diff", smooth_kernel="gauss", smooth_radius="0.1 deg", region=None, figsize=(12, 4), **kwargs, ): """ Plot spatial and spectral residuals. The spectral residuals are extracted from the provided `region`, and the normalization used for the residuals computation can be controlled using the `norm` parameter. If no `region` is passed, only the spatial residuals are shown. Parameters ---------- method : {"diff", "diff/model", "diff/sqrt(model)"} Method used to compute the residuals, see `MapDataset.residuals()` smooth_kernel : {'gauss', 'box'} Kernel shape. smooth_radius: `~astropy.units.Quantity`, str or float Smoothing width given as quantity or float. If a float is given it is interpreted as smoothing width in pixels. region: `~regions.Region` Region (pixel or sky regions accepted) figsize : tuple Figure size used for the plotting. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Returns ------- ax_image, ax_spec : `~matplotlib.pyplot.Axes`, Image and spectrum axes. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) counts, npred = self.counts, self.npred() if self.mask is not None: counts = counts * self.mask npred = npred * self.mask counts_spatial = counts.sum_over_axes().smooth( width=smooth_radius, kernel=smooth_kernel ) npred_spatial = npred.sum_over_axes().smooth( width=smooth_radius, kernel=smooth_kernel ) spatial_residuals = self._compute_residuals( counts_spatial, npred_spatial, method )[[0] == 0] = np.nan # If no region is provided, skip spectral residuals ncols = 2 if region is not None else 1 ax_image = fig.add_subplot(1, ncols, 1, projection=spatial_residuals.geom.wcs) ax_spec = None kwargs.setdefault("cmap", "coolwarm") kwargs.setdefault("stretch", "linear") kwargs.setdefault("vmin", -5) kwargs.setdefault("vmax", 5) spatial_residuals.plot(ax=ax_image, add_cbar=True, **kwargs) # Spectral residuals if region: ax_spec = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) counts_spec = counts.get_spectrum(region=region) npred_spec = npred.get_spectrum(region=region) residuals = self._compute_residuals(counts_spec, npred_spec, method) ax = residuals.plot() ax.axhline(0, color="black", lw=0.5) y_max = 2 * np.nanmax( plt.ylim(-y_max, y_max) label = self._residuals_labels[method] plt.ylabel(f"Residuals ({label})") # Overlay spectral extraction region on the spatial residuals pix_region = region.to_pixel(wcs=spatial_residuals.geom.wcs) pix_region.plot(ax=ax_image) return ax_image, ax_spec
@lazyproperty def _counts_data(self): return
[docs] def likelihood(self): """Total likelihood given the current model parameters.""" counts, npred = self._counts_data, self.npred().data if self.mask is not None: return self._stat_sum(counts[self.mask], npred[self.mask]) else: return self._stat_sum(counts.ravel(), npred.ravel())
[docs] def fake(self, random_state="random-seed"): """Simulate fake counts for the current model and reduced IRFs. This method overwrites the counts defined on the dataset object. Parameters ---------- random_state : {int, 'random-seed', 'global-rng', `~numpy.random.RandomState`} Defines random number generator initialisation. Passed to `~gammapy.utils.random.get_random_state`. """ random_state = get_random_state(random_state) npred = self.npred() = random_state.poisson( self.counts = npred
[docs] def to_hdulist(self): """Convert map dataset to list of HDUs. Returns ------- hdulist : `` Map dataset list of HDUs. """ # TODO: what todo about the model and background model parameters? exclude_primary = slice(1, None) hdu_primary = fits.PrimaryHDU() hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu_primary]) if self.counts is not None: hdulist += self.counts.to_hdulist(hdu="counts")[exclude_primary] if self.exposure is not None: hdulist += self.exposure.to_hdulist(hdu="exposure")[exclude_primary] if self.background_model is not None: hdulist +="background")[ exclude_primary ] if self.edisp is not None: if isinstance(self.edisp, EnergyDispersion): hdus = self.edisp.to_hdulist() hdus["MATRIX"].name = "edisp_matrix" hdus["EBOUNDS"].name = "edisp_matrix_ebounds" hdulist.append(hdus["EDISP_MATRIX"]) hdulist.append(hdus["EDISP_MATRIX_EBOUNDS"]) else: hdulist += self.edisp.edisp_map.to_hdulist(hdu="EDISP") if self.psf is not None: if isinstance(self.psf, PSFKernel): hdulist += self.psf.psf_kernel_map.to_hdulist(hdu="psf_kernel")[ exclude_primary ] else: hdulist += self.psf.psf_map.to_hdulist(hdu="psf")[exclude_primary] if self.mask_safe is not None: mask_safe_map = Map.from_geom( self.counts.geom, data=self.mask_safe.astype(int) ) hdulist += mask_safe_map.to_hdulist(hdu="mask_safe")[exclude_primary] if self.mask_fit is not None: mask_fit_map = Map.from_geom( self.counts.geom, data=self.mask_fit.astype(int) ) hdulist += mask_fit_map.to_hdulist(hdu="mask_fit")[exclude_primary] return hdulist
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdulist(cls, hdulist, name=""): """Create map dataset from list of HDUs. Parameters ---------- hdulist : `` List of HDUs. Returns ------- dataset : `MapDataset` Map dataset. """ init_kwargs = {} init_kwargs["name"] = name if "COUNTS" in hdulist: init_kwargs["counts"] = Map.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu="counts") if "EXPOSURE" in hdulist: init_kwargs["exposure"] = Map.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu="exposure") if "BACKGROUND" in hdulist: background_map = Map.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu="background") init_kwargs["background_model"] = BackgroundModel(background_map) if "EDISP_MATRIX" in hdulist: init_kwargs["edisp"] = EnergyDispersion.from_hdulist( hdulist, hdu1="EDISP_MATRIX", hdu2="EDISP_MATRIX_EBOUNDS" ) if "PSF_KERNEL" in hdulist: psf_map = Map.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu="psf_kernel") init_kwargs["psf"] = PSFKernel(psf_map) if "MASK_SAFE" in hdulist: mask_safe_map = Map.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu="mask_safe") init_kwargs["mask_safe"] = if "MASK_FIT" in hdulist: mask_fit_map = Map.from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu="mask_fit") init_kwargs["mask_fit"] = return cls(**init_kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, filename, overwrite=False): """Write map dataset to file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename to write to. overwrite : bool Overwrite file if it exists. """ filename = make_path(filename) hdulist = self.to_hdulist() hdulist.writeto(str(filename), overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, name=""): """Read map dataset from file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename to read from. Returns ------- dataset : `MapDataset` Map dataset. """ filename = make_path(filename) hdulist = return cls.from_hdulist(hdulist, name=name)
[docs] def to_dict(self, filename=""): """Convert to dict for YAML serialization.""" return { "name":, "models": self.model.names, "background":, "filename": filename, }
[docs] def to_spectrum_dataset(self, on_region, containment_correction=False): """Return a ~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumDataset from on_region. Counts and background are summed in the on_region. Effective area is taken from the average exposure divided by the livetime. Here we assume it is the sum of the GTIs. EnergyDispersion is obtained at the on_region center. Only regions with centers are supported. Parameters ---------- on_region : `~regions.SkyRegion` the input ON region on which to extract the spectrum containment_correction : bool Apply containment correction for point sources and circular on regions Returns ------- dataset : `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumDataset` the resulting reduced dataset """ if self.gti is not None: livetime = self.gti.time_sum else: raise ValueError("No GTI in `MapDataset`, cannot compute livetime") if self.counts is not None: counts = self.counts.get_spectrum(on_region, np.sum) else: counts = None if self.background_model is not None: background = self.background_model.evaluate().get_spectrum( on_region, np.sum ) else: background = None if self.exposure is not None: exposure = self.exposure.get_spectrum(on_region, np.mean) aeff = EffectiveAreaTable([:-1],[1:], / livetime, ) else: aeff = None if containment_correction: if not isinstance(on_region, CircleSkyRegion): raise TypeError( "Containement correction is only supported for" " `CircleSkyRegion`." ) elif self.psf is None or isinstance(self.psf, PSFKernel): raise ValueError("No PSFMap set. Containement correction impossible") else: psf_table = self.psf.get_energy_dependent_table_psf( aeff = apply_containment_fraction(aeff, psf_table, on_region.radius) if self.edisp is not None: if isinstance(self.edisp, EnergyDispersion): edisp = self.edisp else: self.edisp.get_energy_dispersion(, self._energy_axis) else: edisp = None return SpectrumDataset( counts=counts, background=background, aeff=aeff, edisp=edisp, livetime=livetime, gti=self.gti,, )
[docs]class MapEvaluator: """Sky model evaluation on maps. This evaluates a sky model on a 3D map and convolves with the IRFs, and returns a map of the predicted counts. Note that background counts are not added. For now, we only make it work for 3D WCS maps with an energy axis. No HPX, no other axes, those can be added later here or via new separate model evaluator classes. Parameters ---------- model : `~gammapy.modeling.models.SkyModel` Sky model exposure : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Exposure map psf : `~gammapy.cube.PSFKernel` PSF kernel edisp : `~gammapy.irf.EnergyDispersion` Energy dispersion evaluation_mode : {"local", "global"} Model evaluation mode. """ def __init__( self, model=None, exposure=None, psf=None, edisp=None, evaluation_mode="local" ): self.model = model self.exposure = exposure self.psf = psf self.edisp = edisp if evaluation_mode not in {"local", "global"}: raise ValueError(f"Invalid evaluation_mode: {evaluation_mode!r}") self.evaluation_mode = evaluation_mode @property def geom(self): """True energy map geometry (`~gammapy.maps.Geom`)""" return self.exposure.geom @property def needs_update(self): """Check whether the model component has drifted away from its support.""" if self.evaluation_mode == "global" or self.model.evaluation_radius is None: return False else: position = self.model.position separation = self._init_position.separation(position) update = separation > (self.model.evaluation_radius + CUTOUT_MARGIN) return update
[docs] def update(self, exposure, psf, edisp, geom): """Update MapEvaluator, based on the current position of the model component. Parameters ---------- exposure : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Exposure map. psf : `gammapy.cube.PSFMap` PSF map. edisp : `gammapy.cube.EDispMap` Edisp map. geom : `gammapy.maps.Geom` Reference geometry of the data. """ log.debug("Updating model evaluator") # cache current position of the model component # TODO: lookup correct Edisp for this component self.edisp = edisp # TODO: lookup correct PSF for this component self.psf = psf if self.evaluation_mode == "local" and self.model.evaluation_radius is not None: self._init_position = self.model.position if psf is not None: psf_width = np.max(psf.psf_kernel_map.geom.width) else: psf_width = 0 * u.deg width = psf_width + 2 * (self.model.evaluation_radius + CUTOUT_MARGIN) try: self.exposure = exposure.cutout( position=self.model.position, width=width ) except NoOverlapError: raise ValueError( f"Position {self.model.position!r} of model component is outside the image boundaries." " Please check the starting values or position parameter boundaries of the model." ) coords = self.exposure.geom.to_image().get_coord() idx_x, idx_y = geom.to_image().coord_to_idx(coords) self.coords_idx = (Ellipsis, idx_y, idx_x) else: self.exposure = exposure
[docs] def compute_dnde(self): """Compute model differential flux at map pixel centers. Returns ------- model_map : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Sky cube with data filled with evaluated model values. Units: ``cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 deg-2`` """ return self.model.evaluate_geom(self.geom)
[docs] def compute_flux(self): """Compute model integral flux over map pixel volumes. For now, we simply multiply dnde with bin volume. """ dnde = self.compute_dnde() volume = self.geom.bin_volume() return dnde * volume
[docs] def apply_exposure(self, flux): """Compute npred cube For now just divide flux cube by exposure """ npred = (flux * self.exposure.quantity).to_value("") return Map.from_geom(self.geom, data=npred, unit="")
[docs] def apply_psf(self, npred): """Convolve npred cube with PSF""" tmp = npred.convolve(self.psf)[ < 0.0] = 0 return tmp
[docs] def apply_edisp(self, npred): """Convolve map data with energy dispersion. Parameters ---------- npred : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Predicted counts in true energy bins Returns ------- npred_reco : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Predicted counts in reco energy bins """ return npred.apply_edisp(self.edisp)
[docs] def compute_npred(self): """ Evaluate model predicted counts. Returns ------- npred : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Predicted counts on the map (in reco energy bins) """ flux = self.compute_flux() npred = self.apply_exposure(flux) if self.psf is not None: npred = self.apply_psf(npred) if self.edisp is not None: npred = self.apply_edisp(npred) return npred