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class gammapy.spectrum.PHACountsSpectrum(energy_lo, energy_hi, data=None, quality=None, backscal=None, areascal=None, is_bkg=False, obs_id=None, livetime=None, offset=None, meta=None)[source]

Bases: gammapy.spectrum.CountsSpectrum

Counts spectrum corresponding to OGIP PHA format.

The bkg flag controls whether the PHA counts spectrum represents a background estimate or not (this slightly affects the FITS header information when writing to disk).

energy_lo : Quantity

Lower bin edges of energy axis

energy_hi : Quantity

Upper bin edges of energy axis

data : array-like, optional


quality : int, array-like, optional

Mask bins in safe energy range (1 = bad, 0 = good)

backscal : float, array-like, optional

Background scaling factor

areascal : float, array-like, optional

Area scaling factor

is_bkg : bool, optional

Background or soure spectrum, default: False

obs_id : int

Observation identifier, optional

livetime : Quantity, optional

Observation livetime

offset : Quantity, optional

Field of view offset

meta : dict, optional

Meta information

Attributes Summary

arffile ARF associated with the observation
bins_in_safe_range Indices of bins within the energy thresholds
bkgfile Background PHA files associated with the observation
counts_in_safe_range Counts with bins outside safe range set to 0
hi_threshold High energy threshold of the observation (upper bin edge)
lo_threshold Low energy threshold of the observation (lower bin edge)
phafile PHA file associated with the observation
quality Bins in safe energy range (1 = bad, 0 = good)
rmffile RMF associated with the observation
total_counts Total number of counts

Methods Summary

copy(self) A deep copy of self.
energy_mask(self[, emin, emax]) Create a mask for a given energy range.
fill(self, events) Fill with list of events.
from_hdulist(hdulist[, hdu1, hdu2]) Create from HDUList.
peek(self[, figsize]) Quick-look summary plots.
plot(self[, ax, energy_unit, …]) Plot as data points.
plot_hist(self[, ax, energy_unit, show_energy]) Plot as histogram.
read(filename[, hdu1, hdu2]) Read from file.
rebin(self, parameter) Rebin.
reset_thresholds(self) Reset energy thresholds (i.e.
to_hdulist(self[, use_sherpa]) Convert to HDUList.
to_sherpa(self, name) Convert to
to_table(self) Convert to Table.
write(self, filename[, use_sherpa]) Write to file.

Attributes Documentation


ARF associated with the observation


Indices of bins within the energy thresholds


Background PHA files associated with the observation


Counts with bins outside safe range set to 0

default_interp_kwargs = {'bounds_error': False, 'method': 'nearest'}

High energy threshold of the observation (upper bin edge)


Low energy threshold of the observation (lower bin edge)


PHA file associated with the observation


Bins in safe energy range (1 = bad, 0 = good)


RMF associated with the observation


Total number of counts

Methods Documentation


A deep copy of self.

energy_mask(self, emin=None, emax=None)

Create a mask for a given energy range.

emin, emax : Quantity

Energy range

fill(self, events)

Fill with list of events.

TODO: Move to NDDataArray

events : Quantity,,

List of event energies

classmethod from_hdulist(hdulist, hdu1='SPECTRUM', hdu2='EBOUNDS')[source]

Create from HDUList.

peek(self, figsize=(5, 10))

Quick-look summary plots.

plot(self, ax=None, energy_unit='TeV', show_poisson_errors=False, show_energy=None, **kwargs)

Plot as data points.

kwargs are forwarded to errorbar

ax : axis (optional)

Axis instance to be used for the plot

energy_unit : str, Unit, optional

Unit of the energy axis

show_poisson_errors : bool, optional

Show poisson errors on the plot

show_energy : Quantity, optional

Show energy, e.g. threshold, as vertical line

ax: axis

Axis instance used for the plot

plot_hist(self, ax=None, energy_unit='TeV', show_energy=None, **kwargs)

Plot as histogram.

kwargs are forwarded to hist

ax : axis (optional)

Axis instance to be used for the plot

energy_unit : str, Unit, optional

Unit of the energy axis

show_energy : Quantity, optional

Show energy, e.g. threshold, as vertical line

classmethod read(filename, hdu1='SPECTRUM', hdu2='EBOUNDS')[source]

Read from file.

rebin(self, parameter)[source]


See CountsSpectrum. This function treats the quality vector correctly


Reset energy thresholds (i.e. declare all energy bins valid)

to_hdulist(self, use_sherpa=False)

Convert to HDUList.

This adds an EBOUNDS extension to the BinTableHDU produced by to_table, in order to store the energy axis

to_sherpa(self, name)[source]

Convert to

name : str

Instance name


Convert to Table.

write(self, filename, use_sherpa=False, **kwargs)

Write to file.