# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import logging
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.visualization import quantity_support
from gammapy.modeling.models import DatasetModels
from gammapy.utils.scripts import make_name, make_path
from .core import Dataset
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ["FluxPointsDataset"]
[docs]class FluxPointsDataset(Dataset):
Fit a set of flux points with a parametric model.
models : `~gammapy.modeling.models.Models`
Models (only spectral part needs to be set)
data : `~gammapy.estimators.FluxPoints`
Flux points.
mask_fit : `numpy.ndarray`
Mask to apply for fitting
mask_safe : `numpy.ndarray`
Mask defining the safe data range. By default upper limit values are excluded.
meta_table : `~astropy.table.Table`
Table listing information on observations used to create the dataset.
One line per observation for stacked datasets.
Load flux points from file and fit with a power-law model::
from gammapy.modeling import Fit
from gammapy.modeling.models import PowerLawSpectralModel, SkyModel
from gammapy.estimators import FluxPoints
from gammapy.datasets import FluxPointsDataset
filename = "$GAMMAPY_DATA/tests/spectrum/flux_points/diff_flux_points.fits"
flux_points = FluxPoints.read(filename)
model = SkyModel(spectral_model=PowerLawSpectralModel())
dataset = FluxPointsDataset(model, flux_points)
fit = Fit()
result = fit.run([dataset])
Note: In order to reproduce the example you need the tests datasets folder.
You may download it with the command
``gammapy download datasets --tests --out $GAMMAPY_DATA``
stat_type = "chi2"
tag = "FluxPointsDataset"
def __init__(
self.data = data
self.mask_fit = mask_fit
self._name = make_name(name)
self.models = models
self.meta_table = meta_table
if mask_safe is None:
mask_safe = (~data.is_ul).data[:, 0, 0]
self.mask_safe = mask_safe
def name(self):
return self._name
def gti(self):
"""Good time interval info (`GTI`)"""
return self.data.gti
def models(self):
return self._models
def models(self, models):
if models is None:
self._models = None
models = DatasetModels(models)
self._models = models.select(datasets_names=self.name)
[docs] def write(self, filename, overwrite=True, **kwargs):
"""Write flux point dataset to file.
filename : str
Filename to write to.
overwrite : bool
Overwrite existing file.
**kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments passed to `~astropy.table.Table.write`.
table = self.data.to_table()
if self.mask_fit is None:
mask_fit = self.mask_safe
mask_fit = self.mask_fit
table["mask_fit"] = mask_fit
table["mask_safe"] = self.mask_safe
table.write(make_path(filename), overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, data, **kwargs):
"""Create flux point dataset from dict.
data : dict
Dict containing data to create dataset from.
dataset : `FluxPointsDataset`
Flux point datasets.
from gammapy.estimators import FluxPoints
filename = make_path(data["filename"])
table = Table.read(filename)
mask_fit = table["mask_fit"].data.astype("bool")
mask_safe = table["mask_safe"].data.astype("bool")
table.remove_columns(["mask_fit", "mask_safe"])
return cls(
data=FluxPoints.from_table(table, format="gadf-sed"),
def __str__(self):
str_ = f"{self.__class__.__name__}\n"
str_ += "-" * len(self.__class__.__name__) + "\n"
str_ += "\n"
str_ += "\t{:32}: {} \n\n".format("Name", self.name)
# data section
n_bins = 0
if self.data is not None:
n_bins = self.data.energy_axis.nbin
str_ += "\t{:32}: {} \n".format("Number of total flux points", n_bins)
n_fit_bins = 0
if self.mask is not None:
n_fit_bins = np.sum(self.mask.data)
str_ += "\t{:32}: {} \n\n".format("Number of fit bins", n_fit_bins)
# likelihood section
str_ += "\t{:32}: {}\n".format("Fit statistic type", self.stat_type)
stat = np.nan
if self.data is not None and self.models is not None:
stat = self.stat_sum()
str_ += "\t{:32}: {:.2f}\n\n".format("Fit statistic value (-2 log(L))", stat)
# model section
n_models = 0
if self.models is not None:
n_models = len(self.models)
str_ += "\t{:32}: {} \n".format("Number of models", n_models)
str_ += "\t{:32}: {}\n".format(
"Number of parameters", len(self.models.parameters)
str_ += "\t{:32}: {}\n\n".format(
"Number of free parameters", len(self.models.parameters.free_parameters)
if self.models is not None:
str_ += "\t" + "\n\t".join(str(self.models).split("\n")[2:])
return str_.expandtabs(tabsize=2)
[docs] def data_shape(self):
"""Shape of the flux points data (tuple)."""
return self.data.energy_ref.shape
[docs] def flux_pred(self):
"""Compute predicted flux."""
flux = 0.0
for model in self.models:
flux += model.spectral_model(self.data.energy_ref)
return flux
[docs] def stat_array(self):
"""Fit statistic array."""
model = self.flux_pred()
data = self.data.dnde.quantity[:, 0, 0]
sigma = self.data.dnde_err
except AttributeError:
sigma = (self.data.dnde_errn + self.data.dnde_errp) / 2
return ((data - model) / sigma.quantity[:, 0, 0]).to_value("") ** 2
[docs] def residuals(self, method="diff"):
"""Compute the flux point residuals ().
method: {"diff", "diff/model"}
Method used to compute the residuals. Available options are:
- `diff` (default): data - model
- `diff/model`: (data - model) / model
residuals : `~numpy.ndarray`
Residuals array.
fp = self.data
model = self.flux_pred()
residuals = self._compute_residuals(fp.dnde.quantity[:, 0, 0], model, method)
# Remove residuals for upper_limits
residuals[fp.is_ul.data[:, 0, 0]] = np.nan
return residuals
[docs] def plot_fit(
"""Plot flux points, best fit model and residuals in two panels.
Calls `~FluxPointsDataset.plot_spectrum` and `~FluxPointsDataset.plot_residuals`.
ax_spectrum : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
Axes to plot flux points and best fit model on.
ax_residuals : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
Axes to plot residuals on.
kwargs_spectrum : dict
Keyword arguments passed to `~FluxPointsDataset.plot_spectrum`.
kwargs_residuals : dict
Keyword arguments passed to `~FluxPointsDataset.plot_residuals`.
ax_spectrum, ax_residuals : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
Flux points, best fit model and residuals plots.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 7))
gs = GridSpec(7, 1)
if ax_spectrum is None:
ax_spectrum = fig.add_subplot(gs[:5, :])
if ax_residuals is None:
ax_residuals = fig.add_subplot(gs[5:, :], sharex=ax_spectrum)
kwargs_spectrum = kwargs_spectrum or {}
kwargs_residuals = kwargs_residuals or {}
kwargs_residuals.setdefault("method", "diff/model")
self.plot_spectrum(ax=ax_spectrum, **kwargs_spectrum)
self.plot_residuals(ax=ax_residuals, **kwargs_residuals)
return ax_spectrum, ax_residuals
def _energy_bounds(self):
return u.Quantity([self.data.energy_min.min(), self.data.energy_max.max()])
except KeyError:
return u.Quantity([self.data.energy_ref.min(), self.data.energy_ref.max()])
def _energy_unit(self):
return self.data.energy_ref.unit
[docs] def plot_residuals(self, ax=None, method="diff", **kwargs):
"""Plot flux point residuals.
ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
Axes to plot on.
method : {"diff", "diff/model"}
Normalization used to compute the residuals, see `FluxPointsDataset.residuals`.
**kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.errorbar`.
ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
Axes object.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = ax or plt.gca()
fp = self.data
residuals = self.residuals(method)
xerr = self.data.energy_axis.as_plot_xerr
yerr = fp._plot_get_flux_err(sed_type="dnde")
if method == "diff/model":
model = self.flux_pred()
yerr = (yerr[0].quantity[:, 0, 0] / model), (
yerr[1].quantity[:, 0, 0] / model
elif method == "diff":
yerr = yerr[0].quantity[:, 0, 0], yerr[1].quantity[:, 0, 0]
raise ValueError('Invalid method, choose between "diff" and "diff/model"')
kwargs.setdefault("color", kwargs.pop("c", "black"))
kwargs.setdefault("marker", "+")
kwargs.setdefault("linestyle", kwargs.pop("ls", "none"))
with quantity_support():
ax.errorbar(fp.energy_ref, residuals, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, **kwargs)
ax.axhline(0, color=kwargs["color"], lw=0.5)
# format axes
ax.set_xlabel(f"Energy [{self._energy_unit}]")
label = self._residuals_labels[method]
ax.set_ylabel(f"Residuals\n {label}")
ymin = np.nanmin(residuals - yerr[0])
ymax = np.nanmax(residuals + yerr[1])
ymax = max(abs(ymin), ymax)
ax.set_ylim(-1.05 * ymax, 1.05 * ymax)
return ax
[docs] def plot_spectrum(self, ax=None, kwargs_fp=None, kwargs_model=None):
"""Plot spectrum including flux points and model.
ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
Axes to plot on.
kwargs_fp : dict
Keyword arguments passed to `gammapy.estimators.FluxPoints.plot`.
kwargs_model : dict
Keyword arguments passed to `gammapy.modeling.models.SpectralModel.plot` and
ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
Axes object.
kwargs_fp = (kwargs_fp or {}).copy()
kwargs_model = (kwargs_model or {}).copy()
# plot flux points
kwargs_fp.setdefault("label", "Flux points")
kwargs_fp.setdefault("sed_type", "e2dnde")
ax = self.data.plot(ax, **kwargs_fp)
kwargs_model.setdefault("energy_bounds", self._energy_bounds)
kwargs_model.setdefault("label", "Best fit model")
kwargs_model.setdefault("sed_type", "e2dnde")
kwargs_model.setdefault("zorder", 10)
for model in self.models:
if model.datasets_names is None or self.name in model.datasets_names:
model.spectral_model.plot(ax=ax, **kwargs_model)
kwargs_model["color"] = ax.lines[-1].get_color()
for model in self.models:
if model.datasets_names is None or self.name in model.datasets_names:
model.spectral_model.plot_error(ax=ax, **kwargs_model)
return ax