Datasets - Reduced data, IRFs, models#

Learn how to work with datasets


datasets are a crucial part of the gammapy API. Dataset objects constitute DL4 data - binned counts, IRFs, models and the associated likelihoods. Datasets from the end product of the data reduction stage, see Makers - Data reduction tutorial and are passed on to the Fit or estimator classes for modelling and fitting purposes.

To find the different types of Dataset objects that are supported see Types of supported datasets:


import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from regions import CircleSkyRegion
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display
from import GTI
from gammapy.datasets import (
from gammapy.estimators import FluxPoints
from gammapy.maps import MapAxis, WcsGeom
from gammapy.modeling.models import FoVBackgroundModel, PowerLawSpectralModel, SkyModel

Check setup#

from gammapy.utils.check import check_tutorials_setup
from gammapy.utils.scripts import make_path

# %matplotlib inline


        python_executable      : /home/runner/work/gammapy-docs/gammapy-docs/gammapy/.tox/build_docs/bin/python
        python_version         : 3.9.21
        machine                : x86_64
        system                 : Linux

Gammapy package:

        version                : 2.0.dev436+g4a4bcc2c8
        path                   : /home/runner/work/gammapy-docs/gammapy-docs/gammapy/.tox/build_docs/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gammapy

Other packages:

        numpy                  : 1.26.4
        scipy                  : 1.13.1
        astropy                : 6.0.1
        regions                : 0.8
        click                  : 8.1.8
        yaml                   : 6.0.2
        IPython                : 8.18.1
        jupyterlab             : not installed
        matplotlib             : 3.9.4
        pandas                 : not installed
        healpy                 : 1.17.3
        iminuit                : 2.30.1
        sherpa                 : 4.16.1
        naima                  : 0.10.0
        emcee                  : 3.1.6
        corner                 : 2.2.3
        ray                    : 2.42.0

Gammapy environment variables:

        GAMMAPY_DATA           : /home/runner/work/gammapy-docs/gammapy-docs/gammapy-datasets/dev


The counts, exposure, background, masks, and IRF maps are bundled together in a data structure named MapDataset. While the counts, and background maps are binned in reconstructed energy and must have the same geometry, the IRF maps can have a different spatial (coarsely binned and larger) geometry and spectral range (binned in true energies). It is usually recommended that the true energy bin should be larger and more finely sampled and the reco energy bin.

Creating an empty dataset#

An empty MapDataset can be directly instantiated from any WcsGeom object:

energy_axis = MapAxis.from_energy_bounds(1, 10, nbin=11, name="energy", unit="TeV")

geom = WcsGeom.create(
    skydir=(83.63, 22.01),
    width=5 * u.deg,
    binsz=0.05 * u.deg,

dataset_empty = MapDataset.create(geom=geom, name="my-dataset")

It is good practice to define a name for the dataset, such that you can identify it later by name. However if you define a name it must be unique. Now we can already print the dataset:


  Name                            : my-dataset

  Total counts                    : 0
  Total background counts         : 0.00
  Total excess counts             : 0.00

  Predicted counts                : 0.00
  Predicted background counts     : 0.00
  Predicted excess counts         : nan

  Exposure min                    : 0.00e+00 m2 s
  Exposure max                    : 0.00e+00 m2 s

  Number of total bins            : 110000
  Number of fit bins              : 0

  Fit statistic type              : cash
  Fit statistic value (-2 log(L)) : nan

  Number of models                : 0
  Number of parameters            : 0
  Number of free parameters       : 0

The printout shows the key summary information of the dataset, such as total counts, fit statistics, model information etc.

from_geom has additional keywords, that can be used to define the binning of the IRF related maps:

# choose a different true energy binning for the exposure, psf and edisp
energy_axis_true = MapAxis.from_energy_bounds(
    0.1, 100, nbin=11, name="energy_true", unit="TeV", per_decade=True

# choose a different rad axis binning for the psf
rad_axis = MapAxis.from_bounds(0, 5, nbin=50, unit="deg", name="rad")

gti = GTI.create(0 * u.s, 1000 * u.s)

dataset_empty = MapDataset.create(

To see the geometry of each map, we can use:

{'geom': <gammapy.maps.wcs.geom.WcsGeom object at 0x7fb07c6fc130>, 'geom_exposure': <gammapy.maps.wcs.geom.WcsGeom object at 0x7fb06cabd670>, 'geom_psf': <gammapy.maps.wcs.geom.WcsGeom object at 0x7fb06cabda60>, 'geom_edisp': <gammapy.maps.wcs.geom.WcsGeom object at 0x7fb07c5534c0>}

Another way to create a MapDataset is to just read an existing one from a FITS file:

dataset_cta =
    "$GAMMAPY_DATA/cta-1dc-gc/cta-1dc-gc.fits.gz", name="dataset-cta"


  Name                            : dataset-cta

  Total counts                    : 104317
  Total background counts         : 91507.70
  Total excess counts             : 12809.30

  Predicted counts                : 91507.69
  Predicted background counts     : 91507.70
  Predicted excess counts         : nan

  Exposure min                    : 6.28e+07 m2 s
  Exposure max                    : 1.90e+10 m2 s

  Number of total bins            : 768000
  Number of fit bins              : 691680

  Fit statistic type              : cash
  Fit statistic value (-2 log(L)) : nan

  Number of models                : 0
  Number of parameters            : 0
  Number of free parameters       : 0

Accessing contents of a dataset#

To further explore the contents of a Dataset, you can use e.g. info_dict()

For a quick info, use

{'name': 'dataset-cta', 'counts': 104317, 'excess': 12809.3046875, 'sqrt_ts': 41.41009347393684, 'background': 91507.6953125, 'npred': 91507.68628538586, 'npred_background': 91507.6953125, 'npred_signal': nan, 'exposure_min': <Quantity 62842028. m2 s>, 'exposure_max': <Quantity 1.90242058e+10 m2 s>, 'livetime': <Quantity 5292.00010298 s>, 'ontime': <Quantity 5400. s>, 'counts_rate': <Quantity 19.71220672 1 / s>, 'background_rate': <Quantity 17.29170324 1 / s>, 'excess_rate': <Quantity 2.42050348 1 / s>, 'n_bins': 768000, 'n_fit_bins': 691680, 'stat_type': 'cash', 'stat_sum': nan}

For a quick view, use

Counts, Excess counts, Exposure, Background

And access individual maps like:


Of course you can also access IRF related maps, e.g. the psf as PSFMap:


        geom  : WcsGeom
        axes  : ['lon', 'lat', 'rad', 'energy_true']
        shape : (16, 12, 66, 14)
        ndim  : 4
        unit  : 1 / sr
        dtype : >f4

And use any method on the PSFMap object:

radius = dataset_cta.psf.containment_radius(energy_true=1 * u.TeV, fraction=0.95)
[0.08675] deg

The MapDataset typically also contains the information on the residual hadronic background, stored in background as a map:


        geom  : WcsGeom
        axes  : ['lon', 'lat', 'energy']
        shape : (320, 240, 10)
        ndim  : 3
        unit  :
        dtype : >f4

As a next step we define a minimal model on the dataset using the models setter:

model = SkyModel.create("pl", "point", name="gc")
model.spatial_model.position = SkyCoord("0d", "0d", frame="galactic")
model_bkg = FoVBackgroundModel(dataset_name="dataset-cta")

dataset_cta.models = [model, model_bkg]

Assigning models to datasets is covered in more detail in Modelling. Printing the dataset will now show the model components:


  Name                            : dataset-cta

  Total counts                    : 104317
  Total background counts         : 91507.70
  Total excess counts             : 12809.31

  Predicted counts                : 91719.65
  Predicted background counts     : 91507.69
  Predicted excess counts         : 211.96

  Exposure min                    : 6.28e+07 m2 s
  Exposure max                    : 1.90e+10 m2 s

  Number of total bins            : 768000
  Number of fit bins              : 691680

  Fit statistic type              : cash
  Fit statistic value (-2 log(L)) : 424650.15

  Number of models                : 2
  Number of parameters            : 8
  Number of free parameters       : 5

  Component 0: SkyModel

    Name                      : gc
    Datasets names            : None
    Spectral model type       : PowerLawSpectralModel
    Spatial  model type       : PointSpatialModel
    Temporal model type       :
      index                         :      2.000   +/-    0.00
      amplitude                     :   1.00e-12   +/- 0.0e+00 1 / (TeV s cm2)
      reference             (frozen):      1.000       TeV
      lon_0                         :      4.650   +/-    0.00 rad
      lat_0                         :     -0.505   +/-    0.00 rad

  Component 1: FoVBackgroundModel

    Name                      : dataset-cta-bkg
    Datasets names            : ['dataset-cta']
    Spectral model type       : PowerLawNormSpectralModel
      norm                          :      1.000   +/-    0.00
      tilt                  (frozen):      0.000
      reference             (frozen):      1.000       TeV

Now we can use the npred method to get a map of the total predicted counts of the model:


To get the predicted counts from an individual model component we can use:

npred_source = dataset_cta.npred_signal(model_names=["gc"])

background contains the background map computed from the IRF. Internally it will be combined with a FoVBackgroundModel, to allow for adjusting the background model during a fit. To get the model corrected background, one can use npred_background.


Using masks#

There are two masks that can be set on a MapDataset, mask_safe and mask_fit.

  • The mask_safe is computed during the data reduction process according to the specified selection cuts, and should not be changed by the user.

  • During modelling and fitting, the user might want to additionally ignore some parts of a reduced dataset, e.g. to restrict the fit to a specific energy range or to ignore parts of the region of interest. This should be done by applying the mask_fit. To see details of applying masks, please refer to Creating a mask for fitting.

Both the mask_fit and mask_safe must have the same geom as the counts and background maps.

For example to see the safe data range:

Energy 100 GeV - 158 GeV, Energy 158 GeV - 251 GeV, Energy 251 GeV - 398 GeV, Energy 398 GeV - 631 GeV, Energy 631 GeV - 1.00 TeV, Energy 1.00 TeV - 1.58 TeV, Energy 1.58 TeV - 2.51 TeV, Energy 2.51 TeV - 3.98 TeV, Energy 3.98 TeV - 6.31 TeV, Energy 6.31 TeV - 10.0 TeV

In addition it is possible to define a custom mask_fit.

Here we apply a mask fit in energy and space:

Energy 100 GeV - 158 GeV, Energy 158 GeV - 251 GeV, Energy 251 GeV - 398 GeV, Energy 398 GeV - 631 GeV, Energy 631 GeV - 1.00 TeV, Energy 1.00 TeV - 1.58 TeV, Energy 1.58 TeV - 2.51 TeV, Energy 2.51 TeV - 3.98 TeV, Energy 3.98 TeV - 6.31 TeV, Energy 6.31 TeV - 10.0 TeV

To access the energy range defined by the mask you can use:

These methods return two maps, with the min and max energy values at each spatial pixel

e_min, e_max = dataset_cta.energy_range

# To see the low energy threshold at each point


To see the high energy threshold at each point


Just as for Map objects it is possible to cutout a whole MapDataset, which will perform the cutout for all maps in parallel. Optionally one can provide a new name to the resulting dataset:

cutout = dataset_cta.cutout(
    position=SkyCoord("0d", "0d", frame="galactic"),
    width=2 * u.deg,


It is also possible to slice a MapDataset in energy:

sliced = dataset_cta.slice_by_energy(
    energy_min=1 * u.TeV, energy_max=5 * u.TeV, name="slice-energy"
Energy 1.00 TeV - 1.58 TeV, Energy 1.58 TeV - 2.51 TeV, Energy 2.51 TeV - 3.98 TeV

The same operation will be applied to all other maps contained in the datasets such as mask_fit:

Energy 1.00 TeV - 1.58 TeV, Energy 1.58 TeV - 2.51 TeV, Energy 2.51 TeV - 3.98 TeV

Resampling datasets#

It can often be useful to coarsely rebin an initially computed datasets by a specified factor. This can be done in either spatial or energy axes:


And the same down-sampling process is possible along the energy axis:

downsampled_energy = dataset_cta.downsample(
    factor=5, axis_name="energy", name="downsampled-energy"
Energy 100 GeV - 1.00 TeV, Energy 1.00 TeV - 10.0 TeV

In the printout one can see that the actual number of counts is preserved during the down-sampling:


  Name                            : downsampled-energy

  Total counts                    : 104317
  Total background counts         : 91507.69
  Total excess counts             : 12809.31

  Predicted counts                : 91507.69
  Predicted background counts     : 91507.69
  Predicted excess counts         : nan

  Exposure min                    : 6.28e+07 m2 s
  Exposure max                    : 1.90e+10 m2 s

  Number of total bins            : 153600
  Number of fit bins              : 22608

  Fit statistic type              : cash
  Fit statistic value (-2 log(L)) : nan

  Number of models                : 0
  Number of parameters            : 0
  Number of free parameters       : 0


  Name                            : dataset-cta

  Total counts                    : 104317
  Total background counts         : 91507.70
  Total excess counts             : 12809.31

  Predicted counts                : 91719.65
  Predicted background counts     : 91507.69
  Predicted excess counts         : 211.96

  Exposure min                    : 6.28e+07 m2 s
  Exposure max                    : 1.90e+10 m2 s

  Number of total bins            : 768000
  Number of fit bins              : 67824

  Fit statistic type              : cash
  Fit statistic value (-2 log(L)) : 44319.08

  Number of models                : 2
  Number of parameters            : 8
  Number of free parameters       : 5

  Component 0: SkyModel

    Name                      : gc
    Datasets names            : None
    Spectral model type       : PowerLawSpectralModel
    Spatial  model type       : PointSpatialModel
    Temporal model type       :
      index                         :      2.000   +/-    0.00
      amplitude                     :   1.00e-12   +/- 0.0e+00 1 / (TeV s cm2)
      reference             (frozen):      1.000       TeV
      lon_0                         :      4.650   +/-    0.00 rad
      lat_0                         :     -0.505   +/-    0.00 rad

  Component 1: FoVBackgroundModel

    Name                      : dataset-cta-bkg
    Datasets names            : ['dataset-cta']
    Spectral model type       : PowerLawNormSpectralModel
      norm                          :      1.000   +/-    0.00
      tilt                  (frozen):      0.000
      reference             (frozen):      1.000       TeV

We can also resample the finer binned datasets to an arbitrary coarser energy binning using:

Energy 100 GeV - 251 GeV, Energy 251 GeV - 1.00 TeV, Energy 1.00 TeV - 2.51 TeV, Energy 2.51 TeV - 10.0 TeV

To squash the whole dataset into a single energy bin there is the to_image() convenience method:



SpectrumDataset inherits from a MapDataset, and is specially adapted for 1D spectral analysis, and uses a RegionGeom instead of a WcsGeom. A MapDataset can be converted to a SpectrumDataset, by summing the counts and background inside the on_region, which can then be used for classical spectral analysis. Containment correction is feasible only for circular regions.

region = CircleSkyRegion(SkyCoord(0, 0, unit="deg", frame="galactic"), 0.5 * u.deg)
spectrum_dataset = dataset_cta.to_spectrum_dataset(
    region, containment_correction=True, name="spectrum-dataset"

# For a quick look
Counts, Exposure, Energy Dispersion

A MapDataset can also be integrated over the on_region to create a MapDataset with a RegionGeom. Complex regions can be handled and since the full IRFs are used, containment correction is not required.

reg_dataset = dataset_cta.to_region_map_dataset(region, name="region-map-dataset")

  Name                            : region-map-dataset

  Total counts                    : 5644
  Total background counts         : 3323.66
  Total excess counts             : 2320.34

  Predicted counts                : 3323.66
  Predicted background counts     : 3323.66
  Predicted excess counts         : nan

  Exposure min                    : 4.66e+08 m2 s
  Exposure max                    : 1.89e+10 m2 s

  Number of total bins            : 10
  Number of fit bins              : 6

  Fit statistic type              : cash
  Fit statistic value (-2 log(L)) : nan

  Number of models                : 0
  Number of parameters            : 0
  Number of free parameters       : 0


FluxPointsDataset is a Dataset container for precomputed flux points, which can be then used in fitting.

flux_points =
model = SkyModel(spectral_model=PowerLawSpectralModel(index=2.3))
fp_dataset = FluxPointsDataset(data=flux_points, models=model)


The masks on FluxPointsDataset are ndarray objects and the data is a FluxPoints object. The mask_safe, by default, masks the upper limit points.

print(fp_dataset.mask_safe)  # Note: the mask here is simply a numpy array
[[[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]

 [[ True]]


 [[ True]]



 [[ True]]


print(  # is a `FluxPoints` object

  geom                   : RegionGeom
  axes                   : ['lon', 'lat', 'energy']
  shape                  : (1, 1, 24)
  quantities             : ['norm', 'norm_err', 'norm_ul']
  ref. model             : pl
  n_sigma                : 1
  n_sigma_ul             : 2.0
  sqrt_ts_threshold_ul   : 2
  sed type init          : dnde
print(fp_dataset.data_shape())  # number of data points

For an example of fitting FluxPoints, see Flux point fitting, and for using source catalogs see Source catalogs.


Datasets are a collection of Dataset objects. They can be of the same type, or of different types, eg: mix of FluxPointsDataset, MapDataset and SpectrumDataset.

For modelling and fitting of a list of Dataset objects, you can either:

    1. Do a joint fitting of all the datasets together OR

    1. Stack the datasets together, and then fit them.

Datasets is a convenient tool to handle joint fitting of simultaneous datasets. As an example, please see Multi instrument joint 3D and 1D analysis.

To see how stacking is performed, please see Stacking Multiple Datasets.

To create a Datasets object, pass a list of Dataset on init, eg


Dataset 0:

  Type       : MapDataset
  Name       : dataset-empty
  Instrument :
  Models     :

Dataset 1:

  Type       : MapDataset
  Name       : dataset-cta
  Instrument :
  Models     : ['gc', 'dataset-cta-bkg']

If all the datasets have the same type we can also print an info table, collecting all the information from the individual calls to info_dict():

display(datasets.info_table())  # quick info of all datasets

print(datasets.names)  # unique name of each dataset
     name     counts       excess       ... stat_type      stat_sum
------------- ------ ------------------ ... --------- -----------------
dataset-empty      0                0.0 ...      cash               nan
  dataset-cta 104317 12809.313714614138 ...      cash 44319.07871368968
['dataset-empty', 'dataset-cta']

We can access individual datasets in Datasets object by name:

print(datasets["dataset-empty"])  # extracts the first dataset

  Name                            : dataset-empty

  Total counts                    : 0
  Total background counts         : 0.00
  Total excess counts             : 0.00

  Predicted counts                : 0.00
  Predicted background counts     : 0.00
  Predicted excess counts         : nan

  Exposure min                    : 0.00e+00 m2 s
  Exposure max                    : 0.00e+00 m2 s

  Number of total bins            : 110000
  Number of fit bins              : 0

  Fit statistic type              : cash
  Fit statistic value (-2 log(L)) : nan

  Number of models                : 0
  Number of parameters            : 0
  Number of free parameters       : 0

Or by index:


  Name                            : dataset-empty

  Total counts                    : 0
  Total background counts         : 0.00
  Total excess counts             : 0.00

  Predicted counts                : 0.00
  Predicted background counts     : 0.00
  Predicted excess counts         : nan

  Exposure min                    : 0.00e+00 m2 s
  Exposure max                    : 0.00e+00 m2 s

  Number of total bins            : 110000
  Number of fit bins              : 0

  Fit statistic type              : cash
  Fit statistic value (-2 log(L)) : nan

  Number of models                : 0
  Number of parameters            : 0
  Number of free parameters       : 0

Other list type operations work as well such as:

# Use python list convention to remove/add datasets, eg:


['dataset-cta', 'spectrum-dataset']

Let’s create a list of spectrum datasets to illustrate some more functionality:

datasets = Datasets()

path = make_path("$GAMMAPY_DATA/joint-crab/spectra/hess")

for filename in path.glob("pha_*.fits"):
    dataset =


Dataset 0:

  Type       : SpectrumDatasetOnOff
  Name       : 23592
  Instrument :
  Models     :

Dataset 1:

  Type       : SpectrumDatasetOnOff
  Name       : 23523
  Instrument :
  Models     :

Dataset 2:

  Type       : SpectrumDatasetOnOff
  Name       : 23526
  Instrument :
  Models     :

Dataset 3:

  Type       : SpectrumDatasetOnOff
  Name       : 23559
  Instrument :
  Models     :

Now we can stack all datasets using stack_reduce():

stacked = datasets.stack_reduce(name="stacked")

  Name                            : stacked

  Total counts                    : 459
  Total background counts         : 27.50
  Total excess counts             : 431.50

  Predicted counts                : 45.27
  Predicted background counts     : 45.27
  Predicted excess counts         : nan

  Exposure min                    : 2.13e+06 m2 s
  Exposure max                    : 2.63e+09 m2 s

  Number of total bins            : 80
  Number of fit bins              : 43

  Fit statistic type              : wstat
  Fit statistic value (-2 log(L)) : 1530.36

  Number of models                : 0
  Number of parameters            : 0
  Number of free parameters       : 0

  Total counts_off                : 645
  Acceptance                      : 168
  Acceptance off                  : 4497

Or slice all datasets by a given energy range:

datasets_sliced = datasets.slice_by_energy(energy_min="1 TeV", energy_max="10 TeV")

(<Quantity [1.e+09, 1.e+09, 1.e+09, 1.e+09] keV>, <Quantity [1.e+10, 1.e+10, 1.e+10, 1.e+10] keV>)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 15.213 seconds)

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