Go to the end to download the full example code. or to run this example in your browser via Binder
Multiple datasets and models interaction in Gammapy.
The main aim of this tutorial is to illustrate model management in Gammapy, specially how to distribute multiple models across multiple datasets. We also show some convenience functions built in gammapy for handling multiple model components.
Note: Since gammapy v0.18, the responsibility of model management is
left totally upon the user. All models, including background models,
have to be explicitly defined. To keep track of the used models, we
define a global Models
object (which is a collection of
objects) to which we append and delete models.
Knowledge of 3D analysis, dataset reduction and fitting see the Low level API tutorial.
Understanding of gammapy models, see the Models tutorial.
Analysis of the Galactic Center with Fermi-LAT, shown in the Fermi-LAT with Gammapy tutorial.
Analysis of the Galactic Center with CTA-DC1 , shown in the 3D detailed analysis tutorial.
Proposed approach#
To show how datasets interact with models, we use two pre-computed datasets on the galactic center, one from Fermi-LAT and the other from simulated CTA (DC1) data. We demonstrate
Adding background models for each dataset
Sharing a model between multiple datasets
We then load models from the Fermi 3FHL catalog to show some convenience
handling for multiple Models
accessing models from a catalog
selecting models contributing to a given region
adding and removing models
freezing and thawing multiple model parameters together
serialising models
For computational purposes, we do not perform any fitting in this notebook.
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from regions import CircleSkyRegion
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# %matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import display
from gammapy.catalog import SourceCatalog3FHL
from gammapy.datasets import Datasets, MapDataset
from gammapy.maps import Map
from gammapy.modeling.models import (
Check setup#
from gammapy.utils.check import check_tutorials_setup
python_executable : /home/runner/work/gammapy-docs/gammapy-docs/gammapy/.tox/build_docs/bin/python
python_version : 3.9.21
machine : x86_64
system : Linux
Gammapy package:
version : 2.0.dev436+g4a4bcc2c8
path : /home/runner/work/gammapy-docs/gammapy-docs/gammapy/.tox/build_docs/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gammapy
Other packages:
numpy : 1.26.4
scipy : 1.13.1
astropy : 6.0.1
regions : 0.8
click : 8.1.8
yaml : 6.0.2
IPython : 8.18.1
jupyterlab : not installed
matplotlib : 3.9.4
pandas : not installed
healpy : 1.17.3
iminuit : 2.30.1
sherpa : 4.16.1
naima : 0.10.0
emcee : 3.1.6
corner : 2.2.3
ray : 2.42.0
Gammapy environment variables:
GAMMAPY_DATA : /home/runner/work/gammapy-docs/gammapy-docs/gammapy-datasets/dev
Read the datasets#
First, we read some precomputed Fermi and CTA datasets, and create a
object containing the two.
fermi_dataset =
"$GAMMAPY_DATA/fermi-3fhl-gc/fermi-3fhl-gc.fits.gz", name="fermi_dataset"
cta_dataset =
"$GAMMAPY_DATA/cta-1dc-gc/cta-1dc-gc.fits.gz", name="cta_dataset"
datasets = Datasets([fermi_dataset, cta_dataset])
Plot the counts maps to see the region
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
ax1 = plt.subplot(121, projection=fermi_dataset.counts.geom.wcs)
ax2 = plt.subplot(122, projection=cta_dataset.counts.geom.wcs)
datasets[0].counts.sum_over_axes().smooth(0.05 * u.deg).plot(
ax=ax1, stretch="sqrt", add_cbar=True
datasets[1].counts.sum_over_axes().smooth(0.05 * u.deg).plot(
ax=ax2, stretch="sqrt", add_cbar=True
ax1.set_title("Fermi counts")
ax2.set_title("CTA counts")

name counts excess ... n_fit_bins stat_type stat_sum
------------- ------ -------------- ... ---------- --------- --------
fermi_dataset 27727 3792.244140625 ... 633600 cash nan
cta_dataset 104317 12809.3046875 ... 691680 cash nan
Dataset 0:
Type : MapDataset
Name : fermi_dataset
Instrument :
Models :
Dataset 1:
Type : MapDataset
Name : cta_dataset
Instrument :
Models :
Note that while the datasets have an associated background map, they currently do not have any associated background model. This will be added in the following section
Assigning background models to datasets#
For any IACT dataset (in this case cta_dataset
) , we have to create
a FoVBackgroundModel
. Note that
must be
specified to one dataset only
For Fermi-LAT, the background contribution is taken from a diffuse
isotropic template. To convert this into a gammapy SkyModel
, use the
helper function create_fermi_isotropic_diffuse_model
To attach a model on a particular dataset it is necessary to specify the
. Otherwise, by default, the model will be applied to
all the datasets in datasets
First, we must create a global Models
object which acts as the
container for all models used in a particular analysis
models = Models() # global models object
# Create the FoV background model for CTA data
bkg_model = FoVBackgroundModel(
models.append(bkg_model) # Add the bkg_model to models()
# Read the fermi isotropic diffuse background model
diffuse_iso = create_fermi_isotropic_diffuse_model(
diffuse_iso.datasets_names = # specifying the dataset name
models.append(diffuse_iso) # Add the fermi_bkg_model to models()
# Now, add the models to datasets
datasets.models = models
# You can see that each dataset lists the correct associated models
Dataset 0:
Type : MapDataset
Name : fermi_dataset
Instrument :
Models : ['fermi-diffuse-iso']
Dataset 1:
Type : MapDataset
Name : cta_dataset
Instrument :
Models : ['cta_dataset-bkg']
Add a model on multiple datasets#
In this section, we show how to add a model to multiple datasets. For
this, we specify a list of datasets_names
to the model.
Alternatively, not specifying any datasets_names
will add it to all
the datasets.
For this example, we use a template model of the galactic diffuse emission to be shared between the two datasets.
# Create the diffuse model
diffuse_galactic_fermi ="$GAMMAPY_DATA/fermi-3fhl-gc/gll_iem_v06_gc.fits.gz")
template_diffuse = TemplateSpatialModel(
diffuse_galactic_fermi, normalize=False
) # the template model in this case is already a full 3D model, it should not be normalised
diffuse_iem = SkyModel(
], # specifying list of dataset names
) # A power law spectral correction is applied in this case
# Now, add the diffuse model to the global models list
# add it to the datasets, and inspect
datasets.models = models
Dataset 0:
Type : MapDataset
Name : fermi_dataset
Instrument :
Models : ['fermi-diffuse-iso', 'diffuse-iem']
Dataset 1:
Type : MapDataset
Name : cta_dataset
Instrument :
Models : ['cta_dataset-bkg', 'diffuse-iem']
The diffuse-iem
model is correctly present on both. Now, you can
proceed with the fit. For computational purposes, we skip it in this
fit2 = Fit() result2 = print(result2.success)
Loading models from a catalog#
We now load the Fermi 3FHL catalog and demonstrate some convenience functions. For more details on using Gammapy catalog, see the Source catalogs tutorial.
We first choose some relevant models from the catalog and create a new
gc_sep = catalog.positions.separation(SkyCoord(0, 0, unit="deg", frame="galactic"))
models_3fhl = [_.sky_model() for k, _ in enumerate(catalog) if gc_sep[k].value < 8]
models_3fhl = Models(models_3fhl)
Selecting models contributing to a given region#
We now use select_region
to get a subset of models
contributing to a particular region. You can also use
to get models lying inside the True
of a mask map`
region = CircleSkyRegion(
center=SkyCoord(0, 0, unit="deg", frame="galactic"), radius=3.0 * u.deg
models_selected = models_3fhl.select_region(region)
We now want to assign models_3fhl
to the Fermi dataset, and
to both the CTA and Fermi datasets. For this, we
explicitly mention the datasets_names
to the former, and leave it
(default) for the latter.
for model in models_3fhl:
if model not in models_selected:
model.datasets_names =
# assign the models to datasets
datasets.models = models_3fhl
To see the models on a particular dataset, you can simply see
Fermi dataset models: ['3FHL J1731.7-3003', '3FHL J1732.6-3131', '3FHL J1741.8-2536', '3FHL J1744.5-2609', '3FHL J1745.6-2900', '3FHL J1745.8-3028e', '3FHL J1746.2-2852', '3FHL J1747.2-2959', '3FHL J1747.2-2822', '3FHL J1748.0-2446', '3FHL J1748.1-2903', '3FHL J1748.6-2816', '3FHL J1753.8-2537', '3FHL J1800.5-2343e', '3FHL J1800.7-2357', '3FHL J1801.5-2450', '3FHL J1801.6-2327', '3FHL J1802.3-3043', '3FHL J1809.8-2332', '3FHL J1811.2-2800']
CTA dataset models: ['3FHL J1744.5-2609', '3FHL J1745.6-2900', '3FHL J1745.8-3028e', '3FHL J1746.2-2852', '3FHL J1747.2-2959', '3FHL J1747.2-2822', '3FHL J1748.1-2903', '3FHL J1748.6-2816']
Combining two Models#
can be extended simply as python lists
Selecting models from a list#
A Model
can be selected from a list of
by specifying its index or its name.
model = models_3fhl[0]
# Alternatively
model = models_3fhl["3FHL J1731.7-3003"]
Name : 3FHL J1731.7-3003
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 2.742 +/- 0.50
amplitude : 2.59e-12 +/- 7.6e-13 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 17.603 GeV
lon_0 : 262.949 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -30.051 +/- 0.02 deg
Name : 3FHL J1731.7-3003
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 2.742 +/- 0.50
amplitude : 2.59e-12 +/- 7.6e-13 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 17.603 GeV
lon_0 : 262.949 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -30.051 +/- 0.02 deg
can be used to select all models satisfying a list of
conditions. To select all models applied on the cta_dataset
with the
characters 1748
in the name
models =, name_substring="1748")
Component 0: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1748.1-2903
Datasets names : None
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 4.687 +/- 1.02
amplitude : 1.24e-11 +/- 3.3e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 12.596 GeV
lon_0 : 267.037 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -29.062 +/- 0.02 deg
Component 1: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1748.6-2816
Datasets names : None
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 4.345 +/- 0.66
amplitude : 1.76e-11 +/- 3.6e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 13.199 GeV
lon_0 : 267.160 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -28.278 +/- 0.01 deg
Note that select
combines the different conditions with an
operator. If one needs to combine conditions with a OR
operator, the selection_mask
method can generate a boolean
array that can be used for selection. For example:
selection_mask = models_3fhl.selection_mask(
) | models_3fhl.selection_mask(name_substring="1731")
models_OR = models_3fhl[selection_mask]
Component 0: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1731.7-3003
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 2.742 +/- 0.50
amplitude : 2.59e-12 +/- 7.6e-13 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 17.603 GeV
lon_0 : 262.949 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -30.051 +/- 0.02 deg
Component 1: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1748.0-2446
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 3.480 +/- 0.58
amplitude : 7.17e-12 +/- 1.6e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 14.796 GeV
lon_0 : 267.012 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -24.775 +/- 0.01 deg
Component 2: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1748.1-2903
Datasets names : None
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 4.687 +/- 1.02
amplitude : 1.24e-11 +/- 3.3e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 12.596 GeV
lon_0 : 267.037 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -29.062 +/- 0.02 deg
Component 3: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1748.6-2816
Datasets names : None
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 4.345 +/- 0.66
amplitude : 1.76e-11 +/- 3.6e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 13.199 GeV
lon_0 : 267.160 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -28.278 +/- 0.01 deg
Removing a model from a dataset#
Any addition or removal of a model must happen through the global models
object, which must then be re-applied on the dataset/s. Note that
operations cannot be directly performed on dataset.models()
# cta_dataset.models.remove()
# * this is forbidden *
# Remove the model '3FHL J1744.5-2609'
models_3fhl.remove("3FHL J1744.5-2609")
# After any operation on models, it must be re-applied on the datasets
datasets.models = models_3fhl
To see the models applied on a dataset, you can simply
['3FHL J1731.7-3003', '3FHL J1732.6-3131', '3FHL J1741.8-2536', '3FHL J1745.6-2900', '3FHL J1745.8-3028e', '3FHL J1746.2-2852', '3FHL J1747.2-2959', '3FHL J1747.2-2822', '3FHL J1748.0-2446', '3FHL J1748.1-2903', '3FHL J1748.6-2816', '3FHL J1753.8-2537', '3FHL J1800.5-2343e', '3FHL J1800.7-2357', '3FHL J1801.5-2450', '3FHL J1801.6-2327', '3FHL J1802.3-3043', '3FHL J1809.8-2332', '3FHL J1811.2-2800']
Plotting models on a (counts) map#
The spatial regions of Models
can be plotted on a given geom using
. You can also use
to plot the centers of each model.
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 5))
ax1 = plt.subplot(121, projection=fermi_dataset.counts.geom.wcs)
ax2 = plt.subplot(122, projection=cta_dataset.counts.geom.wcs)
for ax, dataset in zip([ax1, ax2], datasets):
dataset.counts.sum_over_axes().smooth(0.05 * u.deg).plot(
ax=ax, stretch="sqrt", add_cbar=True, cmap="afmhot"
dataset.models.plot_regions(ax=ax, color="white")

Freezing and unfreezing model parameters#
For a given model, any parameter can be (un)frozen individually.
Additionally, model.freeze
and model.unfreeze
can be used to
freeze and unfreeze all parameters in one go.
model = models_3fhl[0]
# To freeze a single parameter
model.spectral_model.index.frozen = True
print(model) # index is now frozen
# To unfreeze a parameter
model.spectral_model.index.frozen = False
# To freeze all parameters of a model
# To unfreeze all parameters (except parameters which must remain frozen)
Name : 3FHL J1731.7-3003
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 2.742 +/- 0.50
amplitude : 2.59e-12 +/- 7.6e-13 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 17.603 GeV
lon_0 : 262.949 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -30.051 +/- 0.02 deg
Name : 3FHL J1731.7-3003
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index (frozen): 2.742
amplitude : 2.59e-12 +/- 7.6e-13 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 17.603 GeV
lon_0 : 262.949 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -30.051 +/- 0.02 deg
Name : 3FHL J1731.7-3003
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index (frozen): 2.742
amplitude (frozen): 2.59e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 17.603 GeV
lon_0 (frozen): 262.949 deg
lat_0 (frozen): -30.051 deg
Name : 3FHL J1731.7-3003
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 2.742 +/- 0.50
amplitude : 2.59e-12 +/- 7.6e-13 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 17.603 GeV
lon_0 : 262.949 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -30.051 +/- 0.02 deg
Only spectral or spatial or temporal components of a model can also be frozen
# To freeze spatial components
Name : 3FHL J1731.7-3003
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 2.742 +/- 0.50
amplitude : 2.59e-12 +/- 7.6e-13 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 17.603 GeV
lon_0 (frozen): 262.949 deg
lat_0 (frozen): -30.051 deg
To check if all the parameters of a model are frozen,
print(model.frozen) # False because spectral components are not frozen
print(model.spatial_model.frozen) # all spatial components are frozen
The same operations can be performed on Models
directly - to perform on a list of models at once, e.g.
models_selected.freeze() # freeze all parameters of all models
models_selected.unfreeze() # unfreeze all parameters of all models
# print the free parameters in the models
['index', 'amplitude', 'lon_0', 'lat_0', 'index', 'amplitude', 'lon_0', 'lat_0', 'index', 'amplitude', 'lon_0', 'lat_0', 'r_0', 'index', 'amplitude', 'lon_0', 'lat_0', 'index', 'amplitude', 'lon_0', 'lat_0', 'index', 'amplitude', 'lon_0', 'lat_0', 'index', 'amplitude', 'lon_0', 'lat_0', 'index', 'amplitude', 'lon_0', 'lat_0']
There are more functionalities which you can explore. In general, using
on any function is a quick and useful way to access the
documentation. For ex, Models.unfreeze_all
will unfreeze all
parameters, even those which are fixed by default. To see its usage, you
can simply type
Help on method unfreeze in module gammapy.modeling.models.core:
unfreeze(model_type=None) method of gammapy.modeling.models.core.Models instance
Restore parameters frozen status to default depending on model type.
model_type : {None, "spatial", "spectral"}
Restore frozen status to default for all parameters or only spatial or only spectral.
Default is None.
Serialising models#
can be (independently of
) written to/ read from
a disk as yaml files. Datasets are always serialised along with their
associated models, ie, with yaml and fits files. eg:
# To save only the models
models_3fhl.write("3fhl_models.yaml", overwrite=True)
# To save datasets and models
filename="datasets-gc.yaml", filename_models="models_gc.yaml", overwrite=True
# To read only models
models ="3fhl_models.yaml")
# To read datasets with models
datasets_read ="datasets-gc.yaml", filename_models="models_gc.yaml")
Component 0: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1731.7-3003
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 2.742 +/- 0.50
amplitude : 2.59e-12 +/- 7.6e-13 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 17.603 GeV
lon_0 (frozen): 262.949 deg
lat_0 (frozen): -30.051 deg
Component 1: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1732.6-3131
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 5.151 +/- 0.84
amplitude : 2.78e-11 +/- 4.5e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 12.216 GeV
lon_0 : 263.156 +/- 0.01 deg
lat_0 : -31.518 +/- 0.01 deg
Component 2: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1741.8-2536
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 2.196 +/- 0.30
amplitude : 1.25e-12 +/- 3.2e-13 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 25.438 GeV
lon_0 : 265.457 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -25.610 +/- 0.02 deg
Component 3: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1745.6-2900
Datasets names : None
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 2.727 +/- 0.10
amplitude : 4.54e-11 +/- 2.7e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 18.370 GeV
lon_0 : 266.419 +/- 0.01 deg
lat_0 : -29.011 +/- 0.00 deg
Component 4: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1745.8-3028e
Datasets names : None
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : DiskSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 1.988 +/- 0.11
amplitude : 6.30e-12 +/- 7.0e-13 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 34.165 GeV
lon_0 : 266.453 +/- 0.00 deg
lat_0 : -30.475 +/- 0.00 deg
r_0 : 0.528 +/- 0.00 deg
e (frozen): 0.000
phi (frozen): 0.000 deg
edge_width (frozen): 0.010
Component 5: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1746.2-2852
Datasets names : None
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 3.253 +/- 0.31
amplitude : 2.43e-11 +/- 3.2e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 15.207 GeV
lon_0 : 266.564 +/- 0.01 deg
lat_0 : -28.878 +/- 0.01 deg
Component 6: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1747.2-2959
Datasets names : None
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 3.704 +/- 0.71
amplitude : 6.59e-12 +/- 1.8e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 14.624 GeV
lon_0 : 266.802 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -29.995 +/- 0.02 deg
Component 7: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1747.2-2822
Datasets names : None
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 2.680 +/- 0.38
amplitude : 4.91e-12 +/- 1.2e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 18.330 GeV
lon_0 : 266.824 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -28.367 +/- 0.01 deg
Component 8: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1748.0-2446
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 3.480 +/- 0.58
amplitude : 7.17e-12 +/- 1.6e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 14.796 GeV
lon_0 : 267.012 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -24.775 +/- 0.01 deg
Component 9: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1748.1-2903
Datasets names : None
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 4.687 +/- 1.02
amplitude : 1.24e-11 +/- 3.3e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 12.596 GeV
lon_0 : 267.037 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -29.062 +/- 0.02 deg
Component 10: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1748.6-2816
Datasets names : None
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 4.345 +/- 0.66
amplitude : 1.76e-11 +/- 3.6e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 13.199 GeV
lon_0 : 267.160 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -28.278 +/- 0.01 deg
Component 11: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1753.8-2537
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 3.658 +/- 0.48
amplitude : 1.50e-11 +/- 2.4e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 14.320 GeV
lon_0 : 268.450 +/- 0.01 deg
lat_0 : -25.630 +/- 0.01 deg
Component 12: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1800.5-2343e
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : DiskSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 2.346 +/- 0.07
amplitude : 4.34e-11 +/- 2.4e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 23.149 GeV
lon_0 : 270.144 +/- 0.00 deg
lat_0 : -23.719 +/- 0.00 deg
r_0 : 0.638 +/- 0.00 deg
e (frozen): 0.000
phi (frozen): 0.000 deg
edge_width (frozen): 0.010
Component 13: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1800.7-2357
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 3.576 +/- 0.61
amplitude : 1.08e-11 +/- 2.8e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 14.223 GeV
lon_0 : 270.184 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -23.953 +/- 0.02 deg
Component 14: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1801.5-2450
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 4.524 +/- 1.03
amplitude : 9.48e-12 +/- 2.7e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 12.892 GeV
lon_0 : 270.381 +/- 0.03 deg
lat_0 : -24.837 +/- 0.02 deg
Component 15: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1801.6-2327
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 5.050 +/- 1.23
amplitude : 2.42e-11 +/- 5.8e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 12.124 GeV
lon_0 : 270.403 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -23.465 +/- 0.02 deg
Component 16: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1802.3-3043
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 6.222 +/- 1.29
amplitude : 1.48e-11 +/- 3.5e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 11.876 GeV
lon_0 : 270.599 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -30.722 +/- 0.02 deg
Component 17: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1809.8-2332
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 4.220 +/- 0.26
amplitude : 6.26e-11 +/- 4.8e-12 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 13.446 GeV
lon_0 : 272.459 +/- 0.01 deg
lat_0 : -23.539 +/- 0.01 deg
Component 18: SkyModel
Name : 3FHL J1811.2-2800
Datasets names : fermi_dataset
Spectral model type : PowerLawSpectralModel
Spatial model type : PointSpatialModel
Temporal model type :
index : 2.557 +/- 0.49
amplitude : 1.30e-12 +/- 4.2e-13 1 / (GeV s cm2)
reference (frozen): 19.437 GeV
lon_0 : 272.804 +/- 0.02 deg
lat_0 : -28.003 +/- 0.02 deg
Dataset 0:
Type : MapDataset
Name : fermi_dataset
Instrument :
Models : ['3FHL J1731.7-3003', '3FHL J1732.6-3131', '3FHL J1741.8-2536', '3FHL J1745.6-2900', '3FHL J1745.8-3028e', '3FHL J1746.2-2852', '3FHL J1747.2-2959', '3FHL J1747.2-2822', '3FHL J1748.0-2446', '3FHL J1748.1-2903', '3FHL J1748.6-2816', '3FHL J1753.8-2537', '3FHL J1800.5-2343e', '3FHL J1800.7-2357', '3FHL J1801.5-2450', '3FHL J1801.6-2327', '3FHL J1802.3-3043', '3FHL J1809.8-2332', '3FHL J1811.2-2800']
Dataset 1:
Type : MapDataset
Name : cta_dataset
Instrument :
Models : ['3FHL J1745.6-2900', '3FHL J1745.8-3028e', '3FHL J1746.2-2852', '3FHL J1747.2-2959', '3FHL J1747.2-2822', '3FHL J1748.1-2903', '3FHL J1748.6-2816']
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 10.331 seconds)