stats - Statistics#
gammapy.stats Package#
Cash statistic, for Poisson data. |
Summed cash fit statistics. |
C statistic, for Poisson data. |
Function to find root of. |
Goodness of fit terms for WSTAT. |
Background estimate |
Compute bounds for the root of |
W statistic, for Poisson data with Poisson background. |
Calculate the fractional excess variance. |
Calculate the point-to-point excess variance. |
Compute the minimum characteristic flux doubling and halving over a certain coordinate axis for a series of measurements. |
Calculate the chi-square test for |
Compute the discrete structure function for a variable source. |
Implementation of the Timmer-Koenig algorithm to simulate a time series from a power spectrum. |
Class to compute statistics for Poisson distributed variable with known background. |
Class to compute statistics for Poisson distributed variable with unknown background. |