- gammapy.estimators.utils.compute_lightcurve_doublingtime(lightcurve, flux_quantity='flux')#
Compute the minimum characteristic flux doubling and halving time for the input lightcurve.
Internally calls the
function.The characteristic doubling time is estimated to obtain the minimum variability timescale for the light curves in which rapid variations are clearly evident: for example it is useful in AGN flaring episodes.
This quantity, especially for AGN flares, is often expressed as the pair of doubling time and halving time, or the minimum characteristic time for the rising and falling components respectively.
- Parameters:
- lightcurve
The lightcurve object.
- axis_namestr
Name of the axis over which to compute the flux doubling.
- flux_quantitystr
Flux quantity to use for calculation. Should be ‘dnde’, ‘flux’, ‘e2dnde’ or ‘eflux’. Default is ‘flux’.
- lightcurve
- Returns:
- table
Table of flux doubling/halving and associated error for each energy bin of the lightcurve with axis coordinates at which they were found.
- table
[Brown2013]“Locating the γ-ray emission region of the flat spectrum radio quasar PKS 1510−089”, Brown et al. (2013)