estimators - High level estimators#
gammapy.estimators Package#
Adaptively smooth counts image. |
Abstract estimator base class. |
Computes correlated excess, significance and error maps from a map dataset. |
A flux map / points container. |
Flux points container. |
Flux points estimator. |
Estimate flux profiles. |
Image profile class. |
Estimate profile from image. |
Estimate light curve. |
Model parameter estimator. |
Estimate sensitivity. |
Compute test statistic map from a MapDataset using different optimization methods. |
Test if there is any energy-dependent morphology in a map dataset for a given set of energy bins. |
Metadata containing information about the FluxPoints and FluxMaps. |
Registry of estimator classes in Gammapy. |
gammapy.estimators.utils Module#
Create a FluxMaps by combining a list of flux maps with the same geometry. |
Computes excess and significance for a set of datasets. |
Estimate an exposure map in reconstructed energy. |
Find local peaks in an image. |
Find local test statistic peaks for a given Map. |
Return energy edges that satisfy given condition on the per bin statistics. |
Get the rebinned axis for resampling the flux point object along the mentioned axis. |
Create a |
Compute excess and significance for a set of datasets. |
Compute the fractional excess variance of the input lightcurve. |
Compute the point-to-point excess variance of the input lightcurve. |
Compute the minimum characteristic flux doubling and halving time for the input lightcurve. |
Compute the discrete correlation function for two lightcurves, or the discrete autocorrelation if only one lightcurve is provided. |